TOP 16 best resources from prostatitis

Men of different ages are faced with prostatitis – a serious and common disease, significantly worsening the quality of life. The reasons why is his appearance very much – it is stress, and poor nutrition, and a variety of infections. Cure on prostatitis is chosen experienced this, that after consultation with the attending physician. Effective drugs invented by large amounts, that are issued in the form of capsules, pills, suppositories, injection solutions.

How it looks like prostatitis

Prostatitis – a purely male disease, which affects the prostate. The last is around the beginning of the urethra below the bladder, in the standard is of a diameter to three inches. It secretes a special secret, responsible for the vitality of the sperm. If the body inflammation, problems with urination (pain, cutting, burning), ejaculation, the release of orgasm, the overall decline in the environmental tone. The older the person, the greater is the probability of developing the disease. Just prostatitis sick from 9 to 16% of the total number of all adult men.

Issue four basic categories of this disease:

  • sharp;
  • chronic bacterial;
  • chronic, with pelvic pain syndrome (with symptoms of inflammation or without them);
  • asymptomatic;
  • chronic granulomatous.

In parallel with prostatitis, doctors often observed in the patient urethritis, with more elderly people find the benign prostatic hyperplasia. The disease is able to lead to the severe form of impotence, infertility. Engage self-heal is not needed, like "running" cases lead to serious consequences for the whole organism. Professional treatment is obtained at a county health center, will be inexpensive and effective, if the disease scarcely made itself know.

The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a full recovery of all the disturbed functions. Upon the occurrence of a suspected disease, it is necessary as soon as possible, turn to an expert.

Signs, symptoms, causes

The reasons for the development of prostatitis very much, but doctors divide them into two conditional groups:

Signs, symptoms, causes of prostatitis
  • non-transferable – this is the "stagnant" option, which due to inactivity (sedentary lifestyle), the total or the seasonal decline in immunity. Alcohol abuse, tobacconists, drug use, some strong medications can also cause the disease. Prolonged sexual abstinence, especially in adulthood, as well as a too active sex life sometimes becomes a "trigger" for the disease;
  • infectious – arise as a result of infection, sexually transmitted infections (STI). The tissue of the prostate penetrate various microbes, viruses, bacteria, fungus, causing the inflammatory process. The primary focus of infection may be located in other places. Long-term exposure to tonsillitis, sinusitis, complicated caries, infections of the kidneys, inflammation after operations on the organs of the peritoneum and pelvic also often arises as disease.

The main symptoms include a variety of strength pain in the groin, urethra, suprapubic area, scrotum, penis, member, the lower part of the back. At the same time is present a burning sensation, discomfort when urinating, delay ejaculation. The causes of development may also be injuries to the abdomen, damage to the nerve endings in the pelvic region and genitals, a violation of blood circulation, lymphatic flow, problems with the hormones (androgen deficiency), as well as severe forms of beriberi, the daily stress of the situation. Of the originators of the infection in the patient most frequently detected escherichia coli, Enterococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas wand. Allegedly the cause of prostatitis able to become chlamydia, streptococci, mycoplasmas, staphylococci. In extremely rare cases – a wand koch, pale Treponema, etc.

In the treatment of prostatitis to use very different drugs – how in value, so even in the comfort of the reception, duration of the treatment course. Doctors are advised to use the "proven" remedies, not commonly known and the new, seemingly effective, but in fact unnecessary. Evaluation of means against diseases of the prostate are often published on medical website.

Tablets from prostatitis

Tablets from prostatitis come:

  • Anti-inflammatory – are aimed at removing the inflammation and pain of the prostate;
  • Antibacterial – effective in the bacterial origin of the disease; they are used only prescribed by a doctor, after conducting analyses on the determination of the causative agent of the infection;
  • Preparations for improvement blood circulation – often the cause of inflammation becomes a stagnation in the area of small pelvis, and these funds will help build up blood flow; in addition, they facilitate entry into the area of infection, antibiotics and other medications;
  • Antispasmodics – eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, the establishment of the urination;
  • Hormone – contribute to the blockage of the synthesis of testosterone, because the hormone encourages the overgrowth of tissues;
  • Vitamins – support the immune system and normalize the patient's health in general.

How to choose a suitable remedy, it is necessary to make the diagnosis, establish the cause of the pathology, its form.