Chronic prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

Chronic prostatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the organs of the male genitourinary system. He is stunning, and young men and men aged. Statistics says that 80 years in 8 of 10 men will find that it is chronic prostatitis, on their own experience.

What is a chronic prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. Most often its occurrence lead not cured in time the infection of the genitourinary system. The catalyst for the formation of the inflammation may be hypothermia, lack of physical activity, decreased immunity due to other disease, sexually transmitted disease, presence of harmful habits, constant fatigue and stress.

The peak incidence falls in the 20-40 years — the most active age. However, to detect this disease is usually easy — the symptoms of prostatitis are often disguised as other diseases, and on the contrary — the disease other organs may have a clinical picture comparable with prostatitis.

Normal prostate and inflamed

We distinguish between acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic prostatitis . The first type occurs rarely — no more than 5% of all cases. 95% — it is chronic prostatitis, which is very rarely it is a consequence of the acute form of the disease. Often chronic prostatitis is primary.

For the sake of completeness
Prostate iron is involved in maintenance of proper pH of the urinary tract and the viability of the sperm, protect the genitourinary system against infection.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

The first symptom of the development of prostatitis is the appearance of discomfort as well as pain or cutting pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain gives to the thigh or lower back and often escalates after ejaculation.

Very quickly develops, and sexual dysfunction — decreased libido, problems with erection and duration of sexual intercourse. And finally, the pain starts to accompany each urination.

If you have noticed in yourself similar symptoms, in any case, do not engage self — heal - determine, prostatitis or other diseases, can only physician.

Laboratory signs of chronic prostatitis

The diagnosis is put not only on the basis of the patient's complaints in order to detect prostatitis, laboratory tests are needed. In particular, urine, ejaculate, and prostate secretion. In addition, we often spend the BONDAGE-a study to determine the size and shape of the prostate.

Long-term exposure to bacterial prostatitis detected red blood cells in the microscopic study of the secretion of the gland, characteristic is also the presence of escherichia coli, enterobacteria, clostridium, or other microorganisms in the ejaculate. Long-term exposure to nonbacterial prostatitis laboratory tests show the presence of leucocytes in a secret of glands and in the third portion of urine.

Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis

As usual, prostatitis successfully treated with conservative methods. But therapy must be comprehensive. In addition, it is strongly recommended to reconsider the lifestyle — unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle and promiscuous sexual connections really play a big role in the development of chronic prostatitis.

Drug means

Drug therapy pursues several objectives — are appointed by the painkillers and anti-inflammatories, and also drugs, the activation of the regenerative and immunomodulatory function of the cells of the organism. It is likely that treatment of chronic prostatitis will require completion of the course the use of antibiotics. The course lasts about a month and a half, sometimes requires several approaches. To prevent the development of dysbiosis called probiotic products.

Prostate massage

Prostate massage is done manually through the back passage. It's not exactly a pleasant procedure, but its effectiveness is very high.


Treatment of chronic prostatitis heat physical therapy which gives good results by improving microcirculation and absorption of active substances into the tissues. To physiotherapy practice include ultrasound warming and irrigation with antibacterial solution using an enema.


In many spa successfully treats chronic prostatitis methods of balneotherapy, ie, with the help of mineral waters. For the treatment of patients prostatitis is usually associated with weak mineralized water both inside and in the form of baths. There are well-known spa resorts, where to treat prostatitis.

Diet therapy

Start to keep a special diet is necessary already at the first signs of prostatitis. First and foremost is the need to give up alcoholic beverages, such as ethyl alcohol irritates the ducts of the prostate gland, increased pain and inflammation. It should also limit the intake of fatty meat, exclude the formation of cholesterol plaques and further deterioration of blood circulation. Forbidden legumes, mushrooms, organ meats, salt and salty foods, tea and coffee, carbonated drinks and also pastries.

Diet in chronic prostatitis must include rich in zinc products (it is contained in seafood and pumpkin seeds). It is advisable to eat as many vegetables (except those that contribute to gas — for example, cauliflower), dairy products, oatmeal, and dried fruit.

It must be remembered that the diet in chronic prostatitis — is not a temporary measure. If you have been given such a diagnosis, the principles of proper nutrition is necessary to adhere to it constantly, otherwise a relapse is inevitable.


The operation, when prostatitis are rare enough. The risk of complications and treatment failure, as well as a relatively long period of rehabilitation outweigh the kindness you can bring the operative intervention. So the operation is in this case — an extreme measure. Surgical intervention is indicated only in those cases when conservative treatment does not produce the effect, as well as during emergency situations — an abscess of the prostate, festering abscesses of adjacent tissues, if there is no urination, the presence of stones in the kidneys and the urinary bladder, benign prostatic hyperplasia or suspected Oncology.

The main methods of surgical treatment of prostatitis include:

  • prostatectomy — the complete removal of the prostate;
  • resection of the prostate — removal of part of the gland;
  • circumcisio — circular cutting off the entire foreskin to prevent the development of prostatitis and the treatment of the chronic forms;
  • drainage of abscess in order to release from it purulent contents.

Treatment of prostatitis takes long months and does not always lead to a full recovery. If you have established the diagnosis of "chronic prostatitis", get ready for it, that will have to change lifestyle, otherwise the treatment will be useless. Certainly, prevention is the prostatitis much easier than treatment. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, always use a barrier means of protection, try to move as far as possible (prostatitis — a disease of the sedentary way of life), stick to a proper nutrition and prevent hypothermia.